
Balbir (Brenda) Kaur Shergill Notary Public Inc.
DBA Shergill Notary Public

We are mobile and we make out of office visits, including hospitals and care home

Our Services

Real Estate Transactions

1.Purchase & Sale of Property When you buy or sell property, you need a notary or a lawyer to process the transaction – this is called a conveyance of legal title from the seller to the buyer.
This process involves preparing the documents, researching the property title, paying out or registering mortgages, and handling the purchase and sale proceeds.

2.Mortgages & Refinancing

Wills And Estates

1. Wills
2. Powers of Attorney
3. Representation Agreements
4. Advance Directives


Certified True Copies
Statutory Declarations
Travel Letters / Invitation

Apostille Services & Authentications

Our Other Services

Manufactured Homes

Independent Legal Advice

Private Mortgages

Assignments of Property Contracts


India Powers Of Attorney

Purchase / Sale

Purchase / Sale / Refinance documents prepared by another office, or out of province/country

Prepare Contracts of Purchase and Sale

Partnership Agreements

Prepare and review Partnership and Co-ownership Agreements, Contracts of Purchase & Sale, Lease Agreements

Witness signing

Witness signing of legal document for other provinces and countries.

Claim Builders Lien

Book Your Appointment Now!